The Journal of Cultural Perspectives

Azeem Educational Conference (Regd.) yearns to issue a biannual research journal which would serve as a platform for the students to publish their research articles. The journal would be dedicated specifically to the students of social sciences, for it can be a useful instrument for strengthening the process of social change and influencing the mindsets.

The Journal of Cultural Perspectives - TJCP is a flagship, biannual, peer-reviewed journal of Azeem Educational Conference – AEC, which focuses on interdisciplinary, problem-oriented, contextual research of human culture. The editors welcome historical and empirical inquiries of indigenous knowledge, cultural processes grounded in normative attitudes to understand and improve society. The journal encourages critical research of comparative international practices to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and cultural meanings beyond traditional biases. Cultural Perspectives offers articles that investigate and analyze the impact of culture on different institutions of social order; articles that integrate approaches from the social sciences and humanities; articles on cultural sciences in the twenty-first century; review articles on published work, theoretical innovation, and methods; and special issues that examine urgent questions in the field.
Cultural Perspectives is committed to the reinterpretation of culture. It publishes original research. Innovative, critical papers are given preference that interrogate old patterns and cultural infrastructures and further new theories. The journal does not publish papers that ignore the broader relevance of their investigation for an international readership.
Cultural Perspectives privileges diverse readership and research interests with a necessary focus on culture. It welcomes original, scholarly, unpublished, culture-oriented papers from scholars, practitioners, culturalists, economists, curators, linguistics, conservators, diversity experts, lawyers, artists, performers, policy activists, literary experts, researchers of information, and social sciences based in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. The papers should be sent to: in a single MS Word file of no more than 3000 words, including an abstract of 150 words, 3-5 keywords, a bibliography, along with a short resume, and a statement that author guidelines have been followed. Tables, charts, graphs, and figures may be included in the manuscript with captions. APA Style 7th Edition should be followed. Spellings and punctuation should be used in American English (e.g., realize, organize, recognize). The Editorial Board initially reviews all submissions and shortlists papers that undergo the peer review process. The publications are contingent upon the feedback of the reviewers and recommendation by the Editorial Board. There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal
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