About Us

The Journal of Cultural Perspectives - TJCP is a flagship, biannual, peer-reviewed journal of Azeem Educational Conference - AEC aec.org.pk, which focuses on interdisciplinary, problem-oriented, contextual research of human culture. The editors welcome historical and empirical inquiries of indigenous knowledge, cultural processes grounded in normative attitudes to understand and improve society. The journal encourages critical research of comparative international practices to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and cultural meanings beyond traditional biases. Cultural Perspectives offers articles that investigate and analyze the impact of culture on different institutions of social order; articles that integrate approaches from the social sciences and humanities; articles on cultural sciences in the twenty-first century; review articles on published work, theoretical innovation, and methods; and special issues that examine urgent questions in the field.

From Time to time the Journal has brought out special issues on different themes. The land mark publications have been received well by both scholars and general readers. The contributors to the Journal of Cultural Perspective include some of the most eminent scholars and thinkers of South Asia. Its audience includes scholars, policy makers, social scientists, journalists, and general readers. Intellectually rigorous yet accessible and practical, the Journal of Cultural Perspective provides an influential outlet for original scholarship in the social sciences, culture, and humanities, as well as a lively forum for commentary from cultural perspectives. Research Articles published in this journal are mandatory including end notes and bibliographies of works cited and have undergone initial editorial screening, anonymous peer review and further editorial review. Readers are encouraged to comment on research articles and essays from recent previous issues, in no more than 500 words and If the comments are published, the author of the original article/essay will be given an opportunity to publish a response.

Aims and Scope

  • Cultural Perspectives is committed to the reinterpretation of culture. It publishes original research. Innovative, critical papers are given preference that interrogate old patterns and cultural infrastructures and further new theories. The journal does not publish papers that ignore the broader relevance of their investigation for an international readership.
  • The Journal of Cultural Perspective aims to promote and welcomes scholarly researches on all branches of Cultural Studies in the widest sense as original contributions of researchers and believe in diversity, tolerance and fruitful scholarly discussions and researches.
  • The scope of the Journal is deliberately given as wide a berth as possible; various aspects of Cultural Thought and Civilization, Social and Natural Sciences, and Occidental Studies, Comparative Civilizations as well as contemporary issues that interface with culture in the current geopolitical environment are addressed. Specified fields of social Studies, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Folklore, Linguistics, Literature, Musicology, Performance Studies, Visual Arts, and Sociology are explained.
  • The journal of cultural perspectives (TJCP) welcomes faculty members from various universities nationally & internationally, as well as freelance researchers to publish their manuscripts and research works related to social studies, without any racial or religious discrimination.
  • TJCP publishes manuscripts and articles after double blind peer review process, which is carried out by leading scholars; Cultural Studies in order to enhance academic research which has close linkages with the society.

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