1. Plagiarism Policy
  • Chambers Dictionary defines a plagiarist as a kind of thief “one who steals the thoughts or writings of others and gives them out as his [sic] own”.
  • When this is also used for gain – in the University to gain credits for a module or modules – then an additional dimension of dishonesty is added.
  • We follow the criteria and guidelines of HEC for plagiarism evaluation which can be accessed on HEC website. Link is as under:
    HEC recommends these documents for detailed information regarding plagiarism.
    1. The Little Book of Plagiarism
    2. Plagiarism Policy
    3. Updates on Plagiarism Policy (Notification)
    4. Turnitin Guidelines
2. Open Access Policy

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The Journal of Cultural Perspectives holds all the rights of publishing articles. To publish research articles, we need publishing rights. This is controlled by an arrangement between the author and “Journal of Cultural Perspectives”. This arrangement manages the permit of the copyright to “Journal of Cultural Perspectives” research journal.

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