TJCP Vol. 02 Issue.01

Anjuman i Khuddam al-Sufiyya: Establishment, Objectives and Early History

Hassan Ali
Dr. Akhtar Rasool Bodla


The Anjuman I Khuddam I al-Sufiyya was a popular organization in the early twentieth century Colonial Punjab, aiming to foster unity among diverse Sufi orders. This research article explores the early history, foundation, objectives, activities, branches and structural framework of Anjuman I Khuddam al-Sufiyya through meticulous examination of historical documents and primary sources. This abstract examines the proactive stance of the Anjuman against proselytizing movements during colonial times, elucidating its efforts in preserving the essence of Sufism in a changing socio-religious landscape. Furthermore, it explores how the Anjuman bravely confronted ultra-orthodox ideologies of Wahhabism, aiming to safeguard the pluralistic nature of Islamic practice and culture. The Anjuman’s response to the Ahmadiyya community is also discussed. By delving into the organizational structure, this research dissects the sophisticated layers that govern the functioning of Anjuman I Khuddam al-Sufiyya. By analyzing the Anjuman I Khuddam al-Sufiyya’s establishment, objectives and early history, this abstract throw light on its noteworthy contributions to inter-Sufi unity, countering radical influences, and promoting a harmonious coexistence of diverse Islamic beliefs. As a result, this research provides a valuable resource for scholars, historians, and enthusiasts interested in understanding the rich tapestry of Anjuman I Khuddam al-Sufiyya journey from its inception to 1951.

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