TJCP Vol. 01 Issue.01

Conceptualizing Change: Fair and Lovely to Glow and Lovely



Ideologies play a major part in our society. The help us in creating our society. Language has the power to mold and change these ideologies. This study is focused on the famous fairness cream fair and lovely and its promotion of a stereotypical beliefs associated with beauty. The research has taken in the advertisements of last 20 years of the fairness cream, Fair and Lovely. In the modern age advertisements are the best way to persuade people into changing their ideologies. They are assessable to everyone and everywhere. The advertisements clearly show a significant transition in ideologies reflecting societal beliefs. The advertisements selected are one of the most famous advertisements of that time. The society was made to believe that a fair person can is most successful in life. This ideology was created by Fair and lovely. It shows how they have used language to change the old and stagnant ideologies of society. The theoretical and methodological framework of this study is taken from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Fairclough. The Fairclough 3D model (1989 and 1995. The study shows how the brand has used the power of language to create a completely different ideology.

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