TJCP Vol. 01 Issue.01

Role of Media in Foreign Policy Formulation: A Cultural Perspective

Zarnab Dilshad


This paper explains the role of media in foreign policy formulation. It will also explain what role media plays in elaborating cultural perspectives as it is well acknowledged that media is the most significant contributor to social awareness. The impact of media is more robust than anything else in the general public. People are very responsive to this source of communication. Media can change and groom society by showing sensible and responsible content. Media has an extreme effect on culture. The more prominent approaches media for certain gears. Employing this media can play its effective and efficient role in the formulation of foreign policy and culture. It is through the media culture of the state that can be publicized globally. This paper elucidates how media shows the optimistic appearance in foreign policy structure and through this what will be the cultural perspective and attitude to the world.

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